📄️ New User Registration
New User Registration
📄️ Creating a parent organization
Creating a parent organization
📄️ Register a new device on the IT-Screen network
Registering a new device on the IT-Screen network
📄️ Point of Entry
Article description is in development.
📄️ Library
Library is a storage of elements. All files uploaded by the user to the WEB-application are stored here.
🗃️ Karmiks (Playlists)
2 items
🗃️ Widgets
2 items
📄️ Devices
Article description is in development.
📄️ Layout
The Layouts menu is used to configure an entity such as Windows, which allows you to broadcast content both on the full physical screen and on parts of it. When creating a layout, the User fills it with, for example, window types such as:
📄️ CRM
Customer Relationship Management is a system that helps you manage your business. Contains a database of clients, contracts. It records transactions, allows you to analyze processes and generates documents (reports, acts, etc.).
📄️ Event Log
Article description is in development.
📄️ Download Application
The client application (Client Software) provides remote media content management functionality on a device connected to the physical screen.